5th Naturaliza Round Week, an initiative to encourage teachers to educate about the environment

January 24, 2025


On January 26th, the celebration of World Environmental Education Day, a crucial date that highlights the need to introduce an environmental perspective in educational centers to raise awareness among the new generations about the importance of being in harmony with the planet. In this context, and with the aim of continuing to support teachers, Naturalize, the environmental education project of Ecoembes, presents a proposal of activities to do throughout the week under the motto “Live in harmony with nature and it will flourish within you.”

A round week dedicated to health

The environment has a direct impact on people's health. In fact, according to the latest study published by Naturaliza, this is the second reason that makes respondents worry more about the environment, with 50,4% of respondents doing so.

Thus, during the fifth edition of the Semana Redonda, students will be able to continue learning, with the help of teachers, about the importance of knowing and protecting nature to preserve the health of living beings and ecosystems. In this way, each day of the week there will be a program of activities, which are the following:

  • Connect with natural rhythms. A scavenger hunt to test our senses and learn how to align our rhythm of life with that of nature to improve our health and that of the planet.
  • Planet Earth needs your help. A game in which students are invited to become health professionals in order to carry out a thorough check-up of the state of the planet. In it, they must identify the symptoms, discover their causes, make a diagnosis and find the appropriate remedy. 
  • The music of nature. Through the power of our imagination, we invite students to embark on an exciting journey of emotional connection with nature through its sounds and music.
  • The power of change is in your hands. An interactive game to discover how our decisions can make a difference.
  • The first aid kit for change. We have prepared a first aid kit with all the “remedies” to help improve the health of the planet. 

An initiative for everyone and completely free

This opportunity is open to all educators in the country - early childhood, primary and special education - regardless of whether or not they are part of Naturaliza, and is completely free of charge.

Those interested will be able to freely select the activities of their preference in this link and share the results to enter the drawing for a set of educational materials that will help them continue promoting sustainability in the classrooms.

Naturalize – active environmental learning – is the Ecoembes project that was created with the aim of promoting environmental education in the educational system. It offers training and resources to teachers of Primary, Infant and Special Education so that they can introduce the environment into the classroom in a cross-curricular way in the subjects of Mathematics, Spanish Language and Literature, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. In addition, it promotes outdoor learning through proposals for teaching in the environment. More than 2.700 teachers from 1.749 schools in Spain are already part of the Naturaliza network.  

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