El Cluster of Innovation in Container and Packaging organize a SCRAP Fair el February 13th 2025 in the auditorium of the Foro Norte at Feria Valencia, with free attendance.
This meeting, with the support of the Department of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Generalitat Valenciana, The meeting will involve the participation of most of the SCRAPs, key players in the compliance of the new regulation. Representatives of each of the systems will address the concerns of the organizations and guide them in compliance with the legal requirements. Specifically, the collective systems will participate AEVAE, AMBIENVASES, CIRCULAR CARDBOARD, ECOEMBES, ECOLEC PACKAGING, ECOTIC PACKAGING, ENVALORA, GENCI, PUNTO GRETA, IMPLICA, PROCIRCULAR, RECYCLIA, SIGFITO, SUNREPACK y LOCATEAll SCRAPs will participate in the presentation session and will have a space in the networking area to attend to attendees individually.
Since 1 January 2025, Royal Decree 1055/2022 on packaging and packaging waste establishes that all Spanish companies that manufacture, package or introduce products on the market for the first time in the EU are obliged to organise and finance the management of waste from their industrial and commercial packaging. Under the “polluter pays” principle, all companies that are “Product producers” (a term coined by the legislation to identify these companies) must have some system of Extended Producer Responsibility. This can be individual, which entails a high economic and management cost, which in practice is unviable (SIRAP); or collective, which is a simpler and cheaper option to comply with this legal obligation (SCRAP).
In the words of Jesús Pérez, director of the Packaging Innovation Cluster, “despite not having official figures, with the information provided to us by the SCRAPs that have been established, which are currently 20, we can deduce that a large part of Spanish companies still do not comply with the regulations.” All this is due to “the lack of legal clarity regarding requirements, procedures and legal implications, which shows the need for more guidance and support in the sector.”
It is important to note that SCRAP plays a fundamental role in facilitating the selective collection and recycling of materials, avoiding their destination in landfills and reducing the extraction of natural resources. At this point, Jesús Pérez also clarifies that “currently there is a wide variety of SCRAP for industrial and commercial packaging, some consolidated and many recently created, which is a handicap because the immaturity of the SCRAP network is combined with the lack of knowledge on the part of companies”.
Regulatory compliance challenges
According to the director of the Packaging Innovation Cluster, “compliance with the new regulations requires in-depth knowledge of all the available options, so this meeting will be a great opportunity to learn about them all in a single morning.”
Along these lines, it is essential that organizations have clear information that responds to the concerns of the organizations. Likewise, in the words of Jesús Pérez, "it is crucial that administrations support and expedite the packaging sector's initiatives in terms of R&D&I, since advances in technology, sustainable materials and the circular economy will directly impact the company's operations."entity in the success of the measures implemented".
More information about the SCRAP Cluster fair and registration: https://clusterenvase.com/2025/01/10/feria-de-los-scraps/