AINIA promotes solutions to reduce the use of water, energy and chemicals in industrial cleaning

January 3, 2025

industrial cleaning

El BIOMIMAT II project, developed by AINIA, has made significant progress in the Design of nature-inspired surfaces that improve industrial cleaning. Based on the results of BIOMIMAT I, further research has been carried out into the optimisation of functional surfaces with complex residues, such as those combining fats and proteins, which are common in the food industry.

Advanced solutions to reduce environmental impact in the industry

The BIOMIMAT II project, inspired by the plant Calathea zebrina, known for its ability to stay clean naturally by repelling water and dirt particles, has worked on two innovative solutions. On the one hand, it has developed surfaces that mimic this hydrophobic property, that is, they repel water, and, on the other hand, it has created coatings that facilitate water adherence and spread over the surface (hydrophilic). Both options seek to make industrial cleaning more efficient, reducing the consumption of water, energy and chemicals.

The prototypes created stand out for their hydrophilic properties that allow water to cover the surface well and facilitate the removal of dirt with less effort. The other proposal consists of a microstructured hydrophobic surface, designed with laser technology, to replicate the texture of the plant.Calathea zebrina, which prevents greasy residues from adhering easily.

Innovation in hygienic surface design 

The results of BIOMIMAT II reaffirm the relevance of nature-inspired surfaces in improving cleaning processes. With this project, AINIA reinforces its commitment to sustainable innovation, promoting technologies that foster greater efficiency and sustainability in industrial processes.

The BIOMIMAT II project is supported by the Valencian Regional Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, through IVACE, and is funded by the European Union through the Valencian Community FEDER Programme 2021-2027.

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