The brand Optifresh now has five high-density polyethylene (HDPE) toothpaste tubes with screw caps, ready for recycling, taking advantage of tube technology green leaf 2 patented by Albéa. Even with up to 20% less virgin plastic in the sleeve, this technology offers the highest barrier protection against light, oxygen and moisture, while saving energy.
"Oriflame is synonymous with products that respect the environment, both in terms of the formulations and materials we use and the packaging we choose," he says. Wyn thomas, packaging category manager at Oriflame. "Greenleaf tubes are perfectly in line with our company philosophy and help us reduce environmental impact and improve circularity while providing the best consumer experience," he adds.
Technology Greenleaf 2 tubes allows tubes to be recyclable where local collection programs are available. Generation 2 tubes are recognized by the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) in North America and by RecyClass and SUEZ.circpack in Europe. These certifications confirm that the tubes can be recycled within existing HDPE bottle recycling streams.
"We are proud to help Oriflame meet its sustainable development goals and commitments, while pursuing our own ambition to achieve 100% recyclable or reusable packaging by 2025," he says. Gilles Swyngedauw, Vice President of Sustainability and Innovation at Albéa.