In accordance with your goals of sustainability, Campofrio, a leading company of meat products made in Spain, has started to change its portfolio of brands Campofrío, Navidul and Revilla a 100% recyclable packaging.
In this way, the company is ahead of the European Circular Economy Strategy whose objective is to achieve by 2030 that 100% of the packaging is reusable or recyclable. «This initiative shows the commitment of the company to promote the implementation of a model of circular economy which requires the review of all processes related to the life cycle of the product, from its design to its revaluation, "he says. Javier Duenas, CEO of Campofrío.
The implementation, which will be carried out progressively, has begun in 2021 with the Campofrío pizza trays, and the slices of the Campofrío, Navidul and Revilla brands, which will also reduce the plastic content in their packaging by 20%.
The change of its product portfolio to 100% recyclable packaging is part of the four pillars of the 'Campofrío Envases Responsables' Strategy, which also includes a 25% reduction in the use of virgin plastic by 2025, an increase in the content of recycled material up to the maximum technically possible and the study of other packaging solutions.
«Packaging, innovation and sustainability must go hand in hand. From Campofrío, we are leading a change in the way of conceiving packaging so that, in addition to offering maximum guarantees of quality and food safety, they are more respectful with the environment ", he explains Jose Vilches, Director of Innovation at Sigma in Europe, a company to which Campofrío belongs.
Around these pillars, in recent years the company has achieved various achievements such as incorporating recycled material to the extent technically possible. "In the case of Campofrío, the percentage is around 60% for its sliced products and 80% for its pizzas," he explains. Mercedes hortalresponsible for Center of Excellence in Packaging Sigma in Europe.
In this sense, it is noteworthy that Campofrío recently became the first refrigerated pizza packer to obtain the Ecosense seal, which certifies that its trays incorporate recycled material from manufacturing waste. Likewise, Hortal adds, "the company has managed to advance in its objective of reducing the use of virgin plastic in all its packaging, achieving so far a reduction of 8 %. We are ambitious and we work continuously so that our formats and packages contain the least amount of material possible ”.