Casa Bien updates the Galician brand Leyma

3th September 2024


Good House has redesigned the image of an iconic brand in Galicia, Leyma, remaining faithful to its origins (since 1962) and adapting it for future generations, based on the strategy of identifying an unexplored territory of opportunity: the family unit. A clear focus on the well-being of the community and the cows that also connects with the beginnings, history and tradition of the brand.

The Leyma family has been present in the lives and memories of many Galicians since their childhood. They strengthened this bond by appealing to the family and the care and well-being of future generations. The family becomes the main pillar of the brand.

They connected the brand with different family structures: nuclear or single-parent, country or city, traditional or modern. Leyma is a 100% Galician milk.

They recovered both the original cow that was used on the first packaging in the 1960s and the original logo. A necessary revision to work on the most iconic and representative brand elements of Leyma that connect with the tradition and origins of the brand.

The packaging is designed with folding lines to facilitate emptying, folding and disposal, thus helping to minimise food waste and optimise recycling.

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