New technologies and processes, the efforts of companies in environmental matters and R&D&I, as well as legislation, continue to mark the path towards the Circular Economy. In this line, the new European Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste The final approval will be given at the plenary session of the European Parliament on 13-14 November, and it will come into force after its publication in the Official Journal in the following weeks. It is the regulation that will have the greatest impact on the industry in general, setting objectives in terms of reduction, reuse, recyclability, recycled material content and compostability of packaging.
To discuss how to respond to these challenges of the new regulations and others such as the entry into force of the commercial and industrial packaging regulations (January 1, 2025), or how to implement new technologies, the Packaging Innovation Cluster organizes the VI edition of the Congress on Packaging and Circular Economy, which will once again bring together the packaging value chain to resolve doubts about the trends, challenges and opportunities present in this field, as well as present new technologies that will drive this new green economy, and provide success stories from various experts and relevant packaging user companies such as Repsol, Pascual, Vicky Foods, Sanlucar Fruit or Traditional Dishes, Among others.
Specifically, the meeting is held through an open debate that will take place on October 3 in the Lluís Vives Business School, located in the Paterna Technology Park (Valencia), and which is financed by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Generalitat Valenciana. It also has the collaboration of Eurobox, Grabalfa, DS Smith, Encaja Packaging, Litoturia Packaging, Gráficas Lersi, La Plana Group, Coscollola, Baumer hhs and Ecoembes.
Packaging and Circular Economy under debate
After the welcome from Amaya Fernández, president of the Packaging Cluster, and representatives of the Generalitat Valenciana, the meeting will begin with an initial presentation by Aranzazu Narbona, academic director of ESADE.
Next, the first round table discussion will begin, in which the technical and legislative environment will be addressed with Enrique López, head of the Prevention and Reuse of Resources service at the Department of Environment of the Generalitat Valenciana; and Victor Borras, commercial director in Spain at Knauf Industries.
After a networking coffee, Carlos Rubio, coordinator of chemical-technology transformation projects at the second round table on recycling, will take part in the REPSOL; Pablo Sabater, business development manager at Trans Sabater and Jaime García, managing director at Guzman Polymers.
The third round table discussion, focused on technologies that drive the circular economy, will be moderated by Àlex Brossa, cluster manager of the Packaging Cluster and will have reference technological centers in the field such as: ITENE, AIMPLAS, AINIA and AITEX.
The fourth round table discussion will address experiences and successful business cases carried out in user companies that are leaders in their sectors. Andrea Martínez, packaging quality technician at Vicky foods; Jorge Martinez, Packaging manager at Paschal; Maria Plasencia, packaging innovation manager at Sanlucar Fruit; and Joan Alcaraz, Packaging Coordinator at Traditional Dishes.
Finally, the director of the Cluster Jesús Pérez will present the conclusions to close the event. Access is free with prior registration at
Finally, it is worth highlighting that one of the possibilities of this congress is that attendees can ask questions and exchange opinions with experts from the moment of registration and interactively during the event.