Kaiku Caffè Drink Avena Cappuccino, a new 100% vegan drink

May 27th 2021

Kaiku Caffè Drink Oat Cappuccino It is the first vegan coffee of Kaiku Caffe Latte, with fresh oatmeal drink and the best arabica coffee in Brazil, calmly roasted, in its Cappuccino version.

Thanks to caffeine in a controlled daily dose, it can improve mood and memory, increasing alert levels and reducing the feeling of fatigue, given the activating effect of the essential component of coffee together with its natural ingredients and essential nutrients for coffee. organism such as manganese, potassium, magnesium and niacin. For its part, oats help to take care of the central nervous system due to its high content of vitamin B, and it favors the balance of states of anxiety or irritability, as well as to relieve insomnia. In addition, it fights demineralization thanks to its high content of potassium, magnesium and zinc. For those people who suffer from intestinal problems such as constipation, the oatmeal drink is very useful to regulate the flora, due to its great contribution of vegetable fiber.

Kaiku Caffè Drink Avena Cappuccino arrives after attending to all the comments that “caffè lovers” have left on their social networks.  

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