The fishing producers of Almería pose their packaging challenges to the sector

July 29, 2024


Solving the packaging challenges of fishermen, both to store the product on the boat and to distribute it in the markets and online to the final consumer, is the great objective that the Organization of Fishing Producers of Almería (OPP-71) has been transferred to the sector at the 77th Innovation Breakfast of the Packaging and Packaging Innovation Cluster.

At the event, which has had the support of the Department of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Generalitat Valenciana, the OPP-71 Project Manager, Elvira Morote, explained that one of the great challenges is found in purse seine vessels, which use porex or wooden boxes. The challenge is that they need many boxes inside the boat that must be very light, that can withstand the elements, movement with waves and storms, and that do not hinder the movements of the crew, since they must always be on the deck.

The second link in the chain would be when the ship arrives at the dock where other operators enter and distribute both in the fish market and in the rest of Spain, here the challenge being "to obtain returnable containers, which are currently not used." has said.

The third line that Elvira Morote has detailed has been that of the online channel, specifically in the online store of this organization, whose name is “From Boat to Table”. Here, the challenges lie in optimizing the boxes to distribute the more than 80 weekly orders placed throughout Spain. Regarding this, he commented that they are betting on “cardboard boxes that have a high percentage of sustainability” and that one of the challenges is to withstand heat waves. He has also explained that these boxes are palletizable, maintain humidity and even fit in the refrigerator, which is an advantage for the consumer.

Finally, he detailed other actions that are being carried out by the OPP-71, such as the recycling of porex to contribute to the circular economy, the collection of plastics with the marine litter project, and environmental education to raise awareness about the importance of eat fresh fish and make this whole process sustainable.

Impact of the European Packaging Regulation

The Breakfast has also served to learn in depth about the new Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste which, after being approved by the European Parliament on April 24, 2024, is just a few months away from its final implementation.

In this line, the Head of Packaging and Circular Economy at ITENE, César Aliaga, has broadly explained the main impacts that the new regulations will have on companies in the packaging sector.

The ITENE expert has highlighted that the objective of this regulation is to reduce the impact of packaging, and that the most important thing is the definitions, the principle of free circulation throughout the European Union, and the objectives it sets in terms of reduction, reuse, recyclability, recycled material content and compostability.

One of the aspects is that member states must respect the marketing of packaging that meets the sustainability, labeling and packaging information requirements established in the regulation, without the possibility of each of them being able to restrict the marketing of packaging that is aligned with this regulation. It has also detailed all the prohibitions, such as packaging fruits and vegetables less than 1,5kg in plastic; Single-dose containers of sauces, oils in restaurants or soaps in hotels will no longer be allowed in certain cases and certain materials; nor are light plastic bags (except those used in bulk for fruits and vegetables, which must be compostable).

César Aliaga has also differentiated the terms recyclability by design (that is, there is a technology by which it can be recycled) or recyclability at scale (that is already extended to an industrial level). He has also explained that biobased plastics will be promoted.

Regarding the deposit, return and return (SDDR) systems, the Regulation states that in 2029 90% of beverage bottles and metal containers must be collected, and that otherwise the installation of deposit, return and return systems (e.g. with collection machines) to increase collection rates. Finally, the ITENE expert explained that this regulation is “tougher than the Royal Decree, but it extends the period to adapt” and commented that the technology center helps companies know whether the packaging complies with it or not, demonstrating it. and verifying it, and if you don't meet it, you can also make an action plan to help you achieve it.

Aliaga has also highlighted the importance of knowing the particularities of how The regulation applies in each sector and that ITENE “is working to offer the industry specific information sessions for the entire value chain.”

Finally, at this event the company has also presented ATQ, as a new member of the Cluster. It is a comprehensive services consultancy specialized in advising on chemistry, the environment and industrial safety, with more than 25 years of history, which helps companies improve their management, performance and results in their field of action.

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