Chemical and plastic sectors join packaging to boost sustainable innovation

January 6, 2025

chemical and plastic sectors

Promoting collaboration between strategic sectors has been the main objective of the last Packaging InterclusterOrganized by the Cluster of Innovation in Container and PackagingOn this occasion, the event brought together the associates of QUIMACOVA (Chemical and Environmental Association of the Chemical Sector of the Valencian Community) and AVEP (Valencian Association of Plastics Entrepreneurs), highlighting the role of the chemical and plastics sectors as a driving force of innovation in the field of packaging.

The meeting, funded by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Generalitat Valenciana, has been carried out at the facilities from Caixa Popular, consolidating this space as a key point for the development of business synergies.

In the presentation, The Packaging Cluster He has highlighted the high level of collaboration that arises in these meetings and has stressed the importance of continuing to promote different projects from the organization with the aim of creating effective collaborations between companies.For its part, QUIMACOVA The importance of the chemical sector as a strategic ally to improve processes in all types of companies has been highlighted. The need to coordinate activities that generate synergies and from this has also been highlighted. AVEP They also thanked the technology centres for their role in this joint effort.

Innovation at the service of sustainability and efficiency

During the session, different partners of QUIMACOVA and AVEP They have shared a series of challenges that promote sustainability, the circular economy and process optimization.

SPB has highlighted its interest in developing an additive for PET resin, a key advance to optimize the durability and functionality of packaging used in the chemical industry.

On the other hand, Citrosol has stressed the need for solutions that enable compliance with current regulations, while ensuring compliance with specific packaging requirements for its products.

Finally, Amount has proposed a project focused on the reuse of paint containers, so that they can be used multiple times.

Responding to the challenges

To meet these challenges, companies and technology centres associated with the Packaging Cluster have presented solutions that stand out for their sustainable and efficient approach aligned with the needs of the chemical and plastic sectors.

Firstly, Hinojosa has proposed the solution bag-in-box for industrial liquids, which optimizes transport and logistics and reduces waste volume by 60%, thus freeing up critical space in warehouses.

On the other hand, MESbook has presented a blockchain platform for the control of recycled and non-recycled plastic, with the aim of connecting the entire value chain and providing digital tools guaranteeing efficient and quality production.

SACMI has shown his project PackVision, an advanced visual inspection technology that ensures quality in sealing and labeling for the chemical industry.

nunsys, for its part, has proposed a tool that is characterized by its mobility and ease of implementation, eliminating the need for custom developments.

In parallel, TLSI has explained a tool designed to help chemical companies comply with regulations in the supply chain, ensuring compliance with current regulations.

At the same time, Halcyon has unveiled a standardised packaging, suitable for different sectors and enabled for the transport of dangerous goods, with a design that improves its recyclability and facilitates the circular economy.

Meanwhile, on the part of the technological centres, aimplas has demonstrated an innovative design and development of reusable packaging that incorporates a closed-loop traceability monitoring system, allowing for more efficient management of resources and greater sustainability.

Meanwhile, AINIA has introduced a software solution that traces and analyses the production process of a product using predictive models generated with artificial intelligence. As well as a solution that detects defects in heat sealing, allowing 100% inspection of production without the need for destructive testing.

A day to promote collaboration

The event concluded with a Innovation Workshop, in which participants have analysed the main proposals and needs of each sector. This space has allowed them to identify joint opportunities and work on projects close to the market that strengthen business competitiveness and sustainability.

Packaging Intercluster continues to prove to be a key tool for connecting sectors, promoting synergies and developing initiatives that drive innovation. After this edition, this activity is consolidated as a commitment to collaboration as a driver of development.

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