La Spanish Technological Platform for Container and Packaging (Packnet) and Spanish Technological Platform for CO2 (PTECO2) have signed a collaboration agreement with the purpose of invigorating, mobilizing and articulating the critical mass of innovation around the current challenges faced by the packaging industry industry and their respective environmental, social and economic impact derived from emissions of greenhouse gases.
Given the coincidence of interests, the Spanish Technology Platforms PACKNET and PTECO2 express their willingness to cooperate in the organization and development of activities to promote research, innovation and technological development, fostering the establishment of synergies between both entities by carrying out joint activities. and in the development of joint research projects, all for the benefit of society in general.
The object of the agreement is the collaboration in Innovation and R&D projects, as well as in the organization of conferences, colloquia, seminars and other activities of transfer and promotion of technology of the packaging sector related to environmental sustainability and therefore, the reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.
This Collaboration Agreement was signed by Miguel Ángel Bastida Azpiazu, president of the Spanish Technological Platform for Containers and Packaging, and F. Javier Alonso Martínez, president of the Spanish Technological Platform for CO2.