The paper shopping bag sample is a complete collection of different types of paper bag which includes examples of all the lines offered by pixartprinting.
One container of the new sample is the Bag-Box, the new fusion of the packaging line of pixartprinting, 100% optimized packaging: bag, box and gift pack at the same time. Bag because it is foldable and has handles; and Box because its shape is rectangular, it is made with 210 g cardboard and can be closed at the top like a box.
Pixartprinting, which has grown by 30% in the last year, aims to expand the radius of action, both in terms of geographical coverage and market sectors to which it offers an increasingly wide range of services. This trend of exponential growth already set new records in 2015: an active customer base that has reached 220.000 (compared to 45.000 in 2013).