A methodology is presented that allows identifying the degree of recyclability of packaging

January 8, 2020

The Spanish company Dryad Environmental Solutions has launched a methodology to measure the actual recyclability of packaging that will allow the consumer to identify the most responsible options with the environment.
The methodology developed by Dríade SM, with the scientific support of the UNESCO Chair of Life Cycle and Climate Change ESCI-UPF, proposes that the recyclability of packaging and the percentage of material that remains available for quality recycling be shown through two types of informative accreditations: the Certificate and the Recyclability Seal.
El Digital Certificate Recyclability is a self-declaration by which packaging manufacturing companies and / or packaging companies can identify the percentage of packaging material available for quality recycling.
El Seal Recyclability is the voluntary eco-label that companies may include on the packaging to show the result obtained in the Certificate.
This methodology not only enables packaging manufacturers and packaging companies to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of recycling processes, but also enables them to meet their environmental commitments and improve the recyclability of their packaging. In this way, companies will be able to guarantee compliance with current and future regulations, in addition to optimizing their market positioning in the face of an increasingly demanding demand for sustainability. For its part, this endorsement will help consumers to better identify the most environmentally friendly packaging and exercise their right to responsible purchasing.
In the analysis, all the recycling phases of the container are evaluated, since the ultimate goal is to improve its recyclability from the design stage of the same, to obtain a quality recycled material.
You can expand the information with the interview with Raquel Iglesias, general director of Dríade Soluciones Medioambientales, which we published in the January-February 2020 issue of News Packaging.

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