
TheCircularLab creates a biobased plastic

TheCircularLab, Ecoembes' innovation center for circular economy, presents a new biobased plastic material - it is obtained from plant waste such as potato peels instead of oil - compostable, recyclable and biodegradable in the marine environment. This sustainable plastic has been developed together with the technology center ...

Ecoembes and the Government of La Rioja promote a pilot recycling project for the elderly

The Minister of Social Policies, Family, Equality and Justice of the Government of La Rioja, Conrado Escobar, and the Director of Corporate Social Responsibility of Ecoembes, Francisco Ariza, have presented the results of the program 'Third in age, first to recycle', a pilot project that has been carried out in the Active Participation Center ...

Ecoembes delivers its II R Awards

Ecoembes, the organization that takes care of the environment through recycling and eco-design of packaging in Spain, has held the II edition of the R Awards where it has awarded the best innovative initiatives related to sustainability and recycling. (more…)
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