Carbon neutral 'OpenVac' lid from Auxiliar Conservera

August 28th, 2024

Canning Assistant

La Carbon-neutral Auxiliar Conservera 'OpenVac' lid is marketed by Nomen Foods in its 'Quality 1 Minute' rice line. Both the carbon footprint and neutrality have been verified according to ISO 14067 and PAS 2060 standards by Aenor.

Auxiliar Conservera has intensified its global climate mitigation efforts, offsetting the remaining amount through high-integrity carbon credits, coming from a reforestation project in Mora de Ebro (Tarragona). The IBER – Forest Bank project covers 7,7 hectares and aims to recover degraded areas, promoting biodiversity in the area through the planting of trees and native vegetation.

Conservera Auxiliary signed an agreement with ArcelorMittal to purchase 'XCarb' green steel certificates for your tinplate supplies. The certificates have allowed Auxiliar Conservera to reduce the value of scope 78 CO2 emissions by 3%, related to the purchase of tinplate for this project. This collaboration reflects the commitment of both companies to decarbonization and reducing their environmental footprint.

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