After studying the database of studies carried out with its NeedScope brand management tool, TNS reveals which are the 8 levers that make brands totally irresistible, that is, in the automatic, inevitable or instinctive choice to satisfy certain needs of the consumers. For this, irresistible brands manage to appeal both to instinctive decisions and to the most reflective decisions that operate our behavior. These 8 levers are Know-how, Momentum, Differentiation, Emotion, Symbolism, Nexus, Alignment, and Unity. Know-how: Credentials and Expertise.
Know-how is a basic hygienic factor for any brand that wants to be irresistible as it gives credibility to the brand, and convinces consumers that this brand is the best possible solution for a specific need. It is a conscious demonstration that the brand knows what it does that varies depending on the product category. For example, Bang & Olufsen is recognized for the excellence of its products. This value is attributed to Nike based on the type of star sponsorship. sports
Momentum: Brand Vitality. To be irresistible, a brand has to constantly evolve to keep consumers interested and engaged. Coca-Cola has managed to maintain its Momentum for more than a century. Samsung has recently created its Momentum in the consumer electronics segment with strong innovations.
Differentiation: Relevant and recognizable. Irresistible brands need a differential aspect that really matters to consumers, which is transmitted in all aspects of the brand. Dove has achieved a differentiated brand positioning around “Real Beauty”.
Emotion: Meaning and meaning. Emotion gives irresistible brands unique meaning and purpose in the eyes of their consumers. Fashion and car brands are prime examples, but think also of Vodafone and Gillette, for example, which touch on the instinctive emotions of connection and masculinity respectively.
Symbolism: The language of emotion. Irresistible brands manage symbolism to evoke particular emotions and use this symbolic meaning in all its elements: from the design of the product or the pack, to the tone of voice, the music, the logo, the service and the point of sale.
Nexus: Connection at all levels. Brands satisfy three levels of needs: functional, social and emotional. When a brand manages to connect these layers with strength and in a natural way, with an emotional connection, it acquires a good Nexus and therefore improves its irresistibility.
Alignment: Consistency at all points of contact. The great challenge for a brand is to align the look, the message and the emotion in all the points of contact. Brands that do, increase your irresistibility and maximize your marketing budget.
Unity: Cohesive brand architecture. Irresistible brands can successfully incorporate parent brands, sub-brands and varieties in different ways, maintaining the intrinsic unity in the brand architecture and without losing the emotional response it generates.
To quantify the benefits of irresistibility, TNS has determined the Irresistibility Quotient (IQ) for more than 1.000 brands: a totally irresistible brand would have a score of 100, and therefore perfectly aligned with consumer needs. The TNS study reveals that truly irresistible brands are few: only 16% of brands achieve an IQ of 70 or more, and only 4% of brands exceed 80. The 8 key levers to achieve a brand irresistible are present in any brand with an IQ of 70 or more.