An anodized plate with a print for Montblanc fragrances

4th October 2024


G. Pivaudran has played a key role in the creation of the new perfume collection Montblanc. He designed and created four fragrances that he has brought together in a single collection called the Montblanc Collection.

Each bottle features a shiny silver anodised plate finished with black print. This decoration is a tribute to the brand’s iconic Meisterstück pen, which celebrated its centenary in 2024. G.Pivaudran’s high standards have been expressed through the precision of the corner at the top of the plating which perfectly matches the shape of the bottle, as well as the delicacy in the precise placement of the typography.

The four fragrances, which were officially launched in May 2024, come in 125 ml format.

“All brand projects are very dear to us. This was especially the case with the fragrance collection for the iconic Montblanc range. “Transposing such a distinctive aesthetic as that of the Meisterstück pen onto the side of a perfume bottle was an exciting challenge. We are very proud to have contributed to this wonderful project,” says Hervé Delaigue, Commercial and Development Director.

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