Advertising Fictitious – Specialists in real product presentations. They create real fiction for consumer products, aimed at advertising spots, exhibitions, events, consumer tests and the sales department. They make liquid containers, make replicas of food and its packaging. Packaging–differentiation and brand image. The first impression is what counts, they give importance to the smallest detail so that the packaging sells by itself. Graphic Design – unique creative concepts. They come up with creative concepts that create a unique brand experience. Branding, creativity, audiovisual production, welcome packs, merchandising, events and fairs. In Digital Design they create banners to optimize investment in digital campaigns. Ecommerce and Web Design – help to sell more and better. Ecommerce and website design, SEO positioning and creation of the most successful user experience. Social Media – Community Manager. Strategic Consulting. In all their digital works they offer Consulting, Auditing and Analytics. They are your best strategy!
Business Details
SOLUCIONA is an agency specialized in food for consumption and channel, based in Madrid and with more than 10 years of experience in graphic and web design, communication and marketing. It is made up of a multidisciplinary team of professionals, close to the client and who puts themselves in their shoes to accompany them throughout the process. Thanks to their extensive experience, they inspire and help the client to obtain the best results in their branding, communication and marketing strategies.
c/ Gamonal, 16, 1º – 28031 MADRID