fresh products

The future of food packaging lies in innovation and sustainability

The future of food packaging lies in innovation and sustainability

The conference promoted by Pro Food "Beyond appearances: the sustainability of food packaging", held on January 15 at the Marca fair in Bologna, aimed to put science at the heart of the debate on the environmental impact of packaged fruit and vegetables and sustainable packaging solutions. One of the topics discussed was the ...
ILIP presents the new version of the Smart Ripe Trolley, Hortipack and fresh product packaging

ILIP presents the new version of the Smart Ripe Trolley, Hortipack and fresh product packaging

ILIP showcased the new version of the Smart Ripe Trolley, the IoT (Intelligence of Things) system for monitoring the ripening process of tropical fruits in industrial environments, at Fruit Attraction, designed especially for avocados, the star product of the 2024 edition of the fair, which was held in Madrid from 8 to 10 October. ...
New Fresh Vegetable Recipes from Florette in Recyclable Packaging

New Fresh Vegetable Recipes from Florette in Recyclable Packaging

Florette has just presented its new Fresh Vegetable Recipes, ready to eat in just 90 seconds in the microwave and with a 100% recyclable packaging. The brand launches this new range with three products: Vegetables from the Garden, Peas with Ham and Green Beans and Potatoes, recipes made with the vegetables that Spaniards like the most. The range ...
Amcor launches the first recyclable shrink bag for meat and cheese

Amcor launches the first recyclable shrink bag for meat and cheese

Amcor has launched Eco-Tite® R in Europe, the first PVDC-free shrink bag designed to be recycled in the packaging of red meat, fresh or processed poultry and some cheeses. Eco-Tite® R is designed to maximize shelf life, maintain food safety and reduce food waste; it can also be recycled into streams ...
Makro and Rodrigo de la Calle present Mezclum Makro Premium

Makro and Rodrigo de la Calle present Mezclum Makro Premium

MAKRO, launches its new Mézclum MAKRO Premium range in collaboration with Rodrigo de la Calle, chef with a Michelin star. It is an innovative product for the world of side dishes. The MAKRO team and chef Rodrigo de la Calle, creator of the Gastrobotánica concept and recognized for his green haute cuisine, have worked on a product ...
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