The 1st Olifest DOP Terra Alta claims the role of EVOO

June 9th, 2023


El Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin Oli Terra Alta held the 1st edition of the Olifest DOP Terra Alta, a meeting between producers, communicators, chefs and scientists to publicize, bring closer and exalt the versatility, unique qualities and virtues of this cooking ingredient, key to health. An act that has vindicated the role of quality oil, such as that of the PDO Oli Terra Alta, which originates in the Tarragona region.

Nearly a hundred people attended the event on May 31, held at the Antigua Fábrica DAMM (Barcelona), a meeting that has become a festival for oil produced in the Terra Alta region. A region that has olive cultivation in its DNA, as certified, for example, by ancient examples of olive trees that survive, such as the thousand-year-old Lo Parot, located in Horta de Sant Joan (Tarragona).

The first Olifest DOP Terra Alta was inaugurated with the words of the president of the DOP, Josep Pere Colat; and those of the general director of Agri-food Companies, Quality and Gastronomy of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Joan Godia.

The AOVE of the PDO Oli Terra Alta is made with olives of the empeltre variety, which are only grown in the Terra Alta region (where 11% of world production is concentrated), as well as in the Ebro valley, Castelló and the Balearic Islands. A rustic variety, but highly valued and appreciated at the table, which produces oils that are powerful when green, but which become sweet and very versatile.

live cooking

Live cooking was the other great protagonist of the event. Two showcookings demonstrated on stage the virtues and versatility in the kitchen of the extra virgin olive oils of the PDO Oli Terra Alta. Those in charge of demonstrating it were the chefs Rafel Múria (Quatre Molins), and Ada Parellada (Semproniana).

There was also a round table where the director of the Alícia Foundation, Toni Massanés, spoke about olive oil and health; while the journalist and communicator Carme Gasull opened the debate on communication, prescribers and the oil press, concluding that "the best communication is word of mouth".

Finally, Jordi Rius, member of the Official Tasting Panel for Virgin Oils of Catalonia, explained how a Tasting Panel works and what its function is to determine whether or not an oil is extra virgin.

The event closed with a tasting of dishes prepared by Ada Parellada, washed down with AOVE PDO Oli Terra Alta, a few bites enlivened with a musical performance by singer-songwriter Joan Rovira.

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