Burger King® to test reusable packaging through multinational partnership with Loop

28th October 2020

The restaurants Burger King® are testing a new model of reusable packaging It will help reduce waste.

The brand, as part of its relationship with Restaurant Brands for Good, has launched a partnership with the circular packaging service of TerraCycle, loop, to test a closed-loop system with waste-free packaging that can be safely cleaned and refilled for reuse.

Together with Loop, restaurant customers will be offered the option to conveniently reduce waste by ordering their favorite Burger King® brand staples, soft drinks or coffee in reusable sandwich or drink cup containers.

Starting in 2021, a selection of Burger King® restaurants in New York City, Portland and Tokyo will be among the first to implement the model, with more cities expected to join in the coming months. Participating restaurants will have a collection system in place, in which customers can return packaging for safe cleaning through the Loop and reuse it at Burger King® restaurants. Those who opt for reusable packaging pay a deposit at the time of purchase and, when the packaging is returned, they receive a refund.

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