Michele Bianchi, new president of Cepi Cartonboard

July 20, 2020

michele bianchi, CEO of the RDM Group, has been appointed president of Cepi Cardboard, European Association of Cardboard Manufacturers. The European association, based in Zurich, brings together 22 manufacturing groups from more than 10 European countries, representing more than 95% of European production in the sector.

The leadership position and evolution of the RDM Group in Europe they proved crucial to the appointment. Michele Bianchi succeeds outgoing president Franz Rappold, after a valuable contribution since the association's founding.

«I would like to deeply thank Cepi Cartonboard for the appointment and, even more, to the entire RDM Group team, for the constant commitment and great professionalism shown every day: our people are the fundamental driving force that has led a company Italian to be a leading marketer and representative of the European industry association ”, commented Michele Bianchi, CEO of the RDM Group. "In this constantly changing situation, we are carrying out a precise analysis of possible future scenarios: we want to be prepared and determined to transform the challenges that lie ahead into opportunities for the entire sector."


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