Forenqui Laboratories transfers its sustainability challenges in packaging to the sector

February 19th 2024

Forenqui Laboratories,

Using sustainable raw materials in containers and packaging is a challenge for many Spanish companies. Specific, Forenqui Laboratories, a company with more than 30 years of experience in the hygiene and cosmetics sector and owner of the brands Anian and Foresan, has highlighted aspects such as reducing weight or colors and simplicity as some of its main challenges in terms of packaging at the 72nd Breakfast of the Cluster of Innovation in Packing and Packaging.

In its last financial year, the company has used more than 130 million containers, including closures, labels, boxes, cases, bottles and jars. Thus, on this day, financed by the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana, Eva Martinez, purchasing director at Forenqui, highlighted that her challenges focus on the recyclability of packaging, an opportunity to improve efficiency in purchasing and supplying its customers.

In addition, Sandra Piqueras, marketing director at Forenqui, explained the history of the company and its business areas, the results of which have allowed them to have a production capacity of 100 million products annually.

Sustainability, a great ally for financing

In an era where environmental and social awareness is positioned as a determining criterion for consumers and talent, sustainability becomes a key element for investment and financing of companies. Under this premise Joaquín Sánchez, Project Manager Angela Impact Economy, an ATTRIM Group company, explained that “there is a growing interest on the part of financial institutions to have information on the sustainability of their clients in order to be able to offer more competitive financing.”

But this is not the only advantage that has been highlighted by the company specializing in corporate sustainability through knowledge and technology. For this reason, he has also highlighted, from his experience guiding companies, how sustainability helps to optimize resources, better control of the supply chain, people management and social performance, among other aspects.   

Furthermore, the future obligations of the sector have been mentioned, as significant changes are expected with stricter regulatory frameworks in 2025. Likewise, companies will be forced to measure key indicators, such as the percentage of capex and opex.

New Cluster member

Finally, Arzubialde Inks, a new sympathetic member of the Cluster, has had the opportunity to present his career and work to the attendees. A story, which dates back to 1963 and which he has spoken about Roberto Ponce, sales manager.

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